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作者:淘名人 时间:2023-03-18 15:55 来源:淘名人 阅读:





when you wish to succeed, and perseverance as friend。


the most terrible enemy is no strong belief。


this no way in the world, more people became walk。


adversity can beat the weak and the strong。


nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it。


no matter what happened, all want to cool and calm。


for a man of perseverance, not for anything。


in front of the will, should have no impossible things。


if will give, no matter how much it has helped the violence。


firm along while also have a rest, but go forward。


insist on will great career needs unswerving spirit。


a mistake will not destroy a strength of character。


adversity hardship, is the highest school of temper personality。


how have no rainbow had the eyes no tears, would have no rainbow。


god gives a person a difficulties, also give a person a wisdom。


the value of life, namely to the person to contemporary work for scale。


the path to human truly great state is only one。 road of suffering。


only take the bull by the horns, to enjoy the adventure of fun。


to overcome the difficulties, can make the difficulties into opportunities。


if the prizemoney of life without obstacles, and what can be done。


into event is not the size of the force, but that can last for many years。


any problem has a solution, not to think about things is not。


with indomitable willpower, in a planned way to overcome all the difficulties。



don't move from the muddy trail, cannot step the road covered with flowers。


only create, is the real enjoy, only struggle, is full of life。


the blazers are winding road, but he left behind is straight and wide footprint。


the telescope can see far goal, but does not take the place of you go half step。


they pull on the river left a string of footprints, it was wayfarers ellipsis of life。


upstream, it is the end of the split the mighty waves, downstream, cowards plain sailing。


don't take on too much, but to think more。 this book made me benefit a lot。


you reap what you sow, you reap what you sow。 an art, when the force of life。


smash the waves would rather get in the way of the reef hill, also not willing to take a step back。


as long as you don't give up efforts and pursuit, the grass also has the value of spring。


ginger spicy is big, the old man more experience。 consult others not selling, tongue to make a roll。


sweat and harvest is a faithful partner, study and knowledge is the most beautiful couple。


all knowledge, understand the even ask; knowledge shallow people, don't understand, also don't ask。


to the path of timber, iron and steel will never regret bright spray of molten steel was abandoned。


mount tai is not home, learning is not blowing。 the day without any high, not language since the thick。


even pace is a piece of rock, it would burst out sparks, as long as you pick up the hammer drill steel。


don't laugh at cycas。 in order to open a flower, it paid more than other tree species for a long time effort。


only trying to climb the peak of people, step on the foot to the summit。 the trouble is that one textbook。


strong is more strong in hand, to the front of the boast。 meet the present achievements, suffocated in the future。




She fought for women’s rights, crusaded for the causes of workers, promoted equality for minorities, and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed. She also earned several prestigious awards from countries as diverse as Japan, Brazil, and Lebanon. An impressive list of achievements for any human, all this was accomplished by a woman who was blind and deaf.

Helen Keller was born a healthy child in 1880 in Alabama. Stricken by illness at the tender age of nineteen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak. Growing up unable to comprehend the world around her, Helen became wild and unruly, until her parents found help.

They contacted Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the famous inventor and teacher of the deaf, who introduced them to an institute for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts. A student there, Annie Sullivan, was asked to help. Annie would later become known as the “Miracle Worker.”

Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to connect objects with letters by spelling words into Helen’s hands. Helen’s breakthrough came when Annie held her hand under a water pump while spelling “water” into her other hand repeatedly. Helen suddenly understood, and from then on progressed by leaps and bounds.

Having mastered both the manual and Braille alphabets, Helen became proficient in reading and writing, and began learning how to speak in 1890. Helen entered Radcliffe College and, assisted by Annie Sullivan, graduated cum laude in 1904. She was the first blind-deaf person ever to graduate from college.

Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups. She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930. She died on June 1, 1968, an outstanding example of the unconquerable human spirit.





苏利文在海伦手上拼字,借此教她如何将物体和字母联系在一起。有一次安妮把海伦的手放在水泵出水口下,并且在她的另一支手上重复拼写 water 的时候,海伦突然明白了,她的学习有了重大突破。从此她进步神速。

海伦在学会了手指拼字法和布莱耶盲人点字法后,她的阅读和书写能力变得熟练起来;1890年,她开始学习说话。后来海伦在苏利文的帮助下,进入拉德克利夫 (Radcliffe) 学院就读,1904年以优异的成绩毕业,她成为第一位大学毕业的盲哑人。



1, ChenPingRen humiliation and bitter reading

ChenPing han names, youth, with his brother, sisters GuPin for adhering to the father life, electrum switched, production, door closer reading, but not what eldest sister-in-law, in order to eliminate the contradiction brother, facing repeatedly shame, and keep hair, with the eldest sister-in-law desperately, finally unbearable, away from home, desire, roaming by brother recalled later, and make it up, resistance brother in the local 传为美谈, Hugh sister-in-law. Eventually have one old, came to grenade is free lectures, completion, drinking liu bang, achievement had a BaYe.

介绍一个战胜困难的伟人 英文 大概100字左右

When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine. The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.

Ford said, “Produce it anyway.”

“But,” they replied, “It’s impossible!”

“Go ahead.” Ford commanded, “And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required.”

The engineers went ahead. There was nothing else for them to do, if they were to remain on the ford staff. Six months passed and nothing happened. Another six months passed, and still nothing happened. The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders, but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!”

At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.

“go right head,” said ford, “I want it, and I’ll have it.”

They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke of magic, the secret was discovered.

The ford determination had won once more!

This story may not be described with minute accuracy, but the sum and substance of it is correct. Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can. You’ll not have to look very far.

Henry ford was successful, because he understood and applied the principles of success. One of these is desire: knowing out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described. If you can do this, if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich, you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.




“动手做。”福特一声令下, “不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!”









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