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作者:淘名人 时间:2023-04-10 10:28 来源:淘名人 阅读:





Mark twain马克吐温。


Helen keller海伦.凯勒。

Charles Dickens查尔斯.狄更斯。

Denial defoe丹尼尔.笛福。

Voltaire 伏尔泰。

Jane Austen简.奥斯丁。




1克里斯多夫.威利巴尔德.冯.格鲁克,德国音乐家,歌剧家 Christoph Willibald Gluck

2亨里克•维尼亚夫斯基,波兰小提琴家、作曲家。Henryk Wieniawski

3肖邦,波兰作曲家、钢琴家, Chopin


5巴赫,德国作曲家,Johann Sebastian

6弗拉基米尔•阿什肯纳齐,英籍前苏联钢琴家,Vladimir Ashkenazy

7乔治.塞尔,匈牙利指挥家,George Szell

8理查•施特劳斯,意大利作曲家,Ottorino Respighi

9鲁宾斯坦,俄罗斯钢琴家,Anton Rubinstein

10 西贝流士,芬兰作曲家,Jean Sibelius

11 德布西,法国音乐家,Claude Achille Debussy

12普拉西多•多明戈 ,西班牙歌唱家,Placido Domingo

13安德鲁•劳埃德•韦伯,英国音乐家,Andrew Lloyd Webber

14拉莫,法国作曲家,Jean phiipre ramean

15伊沙克•帕尔曼,以色列音乐家,ITZHAK PERLMAN

16莫扎特,奥地利音乐家,Mozhate , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

17斯坦贝克,美国小说家,John Steinbeck

18埃德加•爱伦•坡,美国作家,Edgar Allan Poe

19 阿瑟•柯南•道尔,英国小说家, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

20西德尼.谢尔顿,美国小说家,Sidney Sheldon

21 多斯•阳索斯,美国小说家,John Dos Passos

22库珀,美国小说家,James Fenimore Cooper

23梅尔维尔,美国小说家,Herman Melvill

24哈特,美国小说家,Bret Harte

25威廉•豪夫,德国童话作家,Wilhelm Hauff

26豪威尔斯,美国小说家,William Dean Howells

27欧•亨利,美国小说家,O. Henry

28华伦,美国小说家,Robert Penn Warren

29魏尔纳•冯•海登斯塔姆,瑞典诗人,Verner von Heidenstam

30比昂斯腾•比昂松,挪威戏剧家,Bjornstjerne Bjornson

31埃里希•马里亚•雷马克,德国小说家,Erich Maria Remarque

32诺贝尔,瑞典的化学家,Alfred Bernhard Nobel

33巴勃罗•毕加索,西班牙画家,Centre Picasso

34迪特里希•多纳,德国心理学家Dietrich Dorner

35达尔文 ,英国博物学家,Charles Robert Darwin

36爱迪生,美国发明家,Thomas Alva Edison

37爱因斯坦,德国发明家,Albert Einstein

38亚里士多德,古希腊哲学家, Aristoteles

39马克•吐温,美国小说家, Mark Twain

40柏拉图,古希腊哲学家, Platon( Plato)

41丹尼尔 笛福,英国作家,Daniel Defoe

42约翰 班扬,英国作家,John Bunyan

43弗朗西斯 霍齐森 班内特,英国作家,Frances Hodgson Burnett

44罗伯特 彭斯,苏格兰诗人,Robert Burns

45乔治 拜伦,英国诗人,George Byron

46霍尔 凯恩,美国作家,Hall Caine

47刘易斯 卡罗尔,英国作家,Lewis Carrol

48厄斯•儒略•凯撒,罗马政治军事家,Julius Ceaesar

49米开朗基罗 ,古罗马画家,Michelangelo

50弗朗西斯科•戈雅 ,西班牙画家,Francisco Goya

51阿美迪奥•莫迪里阿尼,意大利画家,Amedeo Modigliani

52迭戈•里维拉,拉美画家,Diego Rivera

53安迪•沃霍尔,美国画家, Andy Warhol

54埃尔•格列柯,希腊画家,El Greco

55杰克逊•波洛克,美国画家, Jackson Pollock

56文森特•凡•高 ,荷兰画家,Vincent van Gogh

57杰克•伦敦,美国作家, Jack London



60笛卡儿,法国科学家,Rene Descartes

61伊萨克•毕克曼,荷兰物理学家,哲学家,Isace Beekman

62拉格朗日,法国数学家,物理学家,Joseph-Louis Lagrange

63 阿伏加德罗,意大利物理学家、化学家 ,AmeldeoAvogardo,1776~1856


65莱布尼兹,德国数学家,物理学家,Gottfriend Wilhelm Leibniz,


67汤姆生,英国物理学家,Joseph John Thomson

68多普勒•克里斯琴•约翰,奥地利物理学家及数学家,Doppler, Christian Johann

69昂利•贝可勒耳,法国物理学家,Henri Bacquerel

70高斯,德国数学家,Carl Friedrich

71摄尔修斯,瑞典物理学家,Anders Celsius


73库尔恰托夫,苏联物理学家, Kurchatov,Igori Vasilievich

74狄拉克,英国物理学家,Paul Adrie Maurice Dirac

75亨利•莫斯莱,英国数学家,Henry Gwyn Jeffreys Moseley

76理查德•费曼,美国物理学家,Richard Feynman

77玻耳兹曼,德裔奥地利物理学家,Ludwig Boltzmann

78薛定谔,奥地利理论物理学家,Erwin Schrodinger

79斯蒂芬•威廉•霍金,英国物理学家,Stephen William Hawking

80 大仲马,法国作家,Alexandre Dumas l802~1870

81比尔盖茨,微软公司软件设计师,William (Bill) H. Gates


1居里夫人,法国国籍波兰科学家,Marie Curie(1867-1934)

2海伦•凯勒,美国盲聋女作家,Helen keller

3玛格丽特-米切尔,美国女作家,Mitchell, Margaret

4艾米莉•勃朗特,英国女作家,Emily Bronte

5夏洛蒂.勃朗特,英国女小说家,Charlotte Bronte,1816~1855

6安妮 勃朗特,英国女小说家,Anne Bronte

7 薇拉 凯恩,美国女作家,Willa Cather

8 简 奥斯丁,英国女作家,Jane Austen

9撒切尔夫人,英国保守党政治家,首相,Thatcher,Margaret Hilda

10盖比勒.缪特, 德国女画家, Gabriele Munter

11弗瑞达•卡洛,墨西哥女画家, Frida Kahlo

12安妮.塞克斯顿,美国女诗人,anne sexton

13西尔维亚•普拉斯,美国女诗人,Sivia pluen

14勃郎宁夫人,英国著名女诗人,Elizabeth Barrett Browning

15艾米莉.狄更生,美国诗人,Emily Dickinson

16阿罗约,菲律宾女政治家,Arroyo Gloria

17昂山素姬,缅甸女政治家,1991年诺贝尔和平奖获得者,Aung San Suu Kyi


19蕾切尔•卡逊,美国生态学家,Rachel Carson,

20尼古拉耶娃,前苏联女钢琴家、作曲家,Tatiana Nidolayeva,

21诺夫斯卡,波兰女作曲家, Tekla Badarzewska-Baranowska (1834 - 1861)

22苔克拉•芭达捷芙丝卡,波兰女作曲家,钢琴家, (Tekla Badarzewska,1834-1861),


1 Abraham Lincoln

He saved the Union, freed the slaves, and presided over America’s second founding.

2 George Washington

He made the United States possible—not only by defeating a king, but by declining to become one himself.

3 Thomas Jefferson

The author of the five most important words in American history: “All men are created equal.”

4 Franklin Delano Roosevelt

He said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” and then he proved it.

Also see:

In Their Own Words

Of the 100 Americans selected by our panel of historians, thirty-one contributed to The Atlantic. Browse a selection of their writings.

5 Alexander Hamilton

Soldier, banker, and political scientist, he set in motion an agrarian nation’s transformation into an industrial power.

6 Benjamin Franklin

The Founder-of-all-trades— scientist, printer, writer, diplomat, inventor, and more; like his country, he contained multitudes.

7 John Marshall

The defining chief justice, he established the Supreme Court as the equal of the other two federal branches.

8 Martin Luther King Jr.

His dream of racial equality is still elusive, but no one did more to make it real.

9 Thomas Edison

It wasn’t just the lightbulb; the Wizard of Menlo Park was the most prolific inventor in American history.

10 Woodrow Wilson

He made the world safe for U.S. interventionism, if not for democracy.

11 John D. Rockefeller

The man behind Standard Oil set the mold for our tycoons—first by making money, then by giving it away.

12 Ulysses S. Grant

He was a poor president, but he was the general Lincoln needed; he also wrote the greatest political memoir in American history.

13 James Madison

He fathered the Constitution and wrote the Bill of Rights.

14 Henry Ford

He gave us the assembly line and the Model T, and sparked America’s love affair with the automobile.

15 Theodore Roosevelt

Whether busting trusts or building canals, he embodied the “strenuous life” and blazed a trail for twentieth-century America.

16 Mark Twain

Author of our national epic, he was the most unsentimental observer of our national life.

17 Ronald Reagan

The amiable architect of both the conservative realignment and the Cold War’s end.

Special offer:

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to take advantage of a special limited-time subscription offer and receive The Atlantic's "100 Most Influential Americans" poster free!

18 Andrew Jackson

The first great populist: he found America a republic and left it a democracy.

19 Thomas Paine

The voice of the American Revolution, and our first great radical.

20 Andrew Carnegie

The original self-made man forged America’s industrial might and became one of the nation’s greatest philanthropists.

21 Harry Truman

An accidental president, this machine politician ushered in the Atomic Age and then the Cold War.

22 Walt Whitman

He sang of America and shaped the country’s conception of itself.

23 Wright Brothers

They got us all off the ground.

24 Alexander Graham Bell

By inventing the telephone, he opened the age of telecommunications and shrank the world.

25 John Adams

His leadership made the American Revolution possible; his devotion to republicanism made it succeed.

26 Walt Disney

The quintessential entertainer-entrepreneur, he wielded unmatched influence over our childhood.

27 Eli Whitney

His gin made cotton king and sustained an empire for slavery.

28 Dwight Eisenhower

He won a war and two elections, and made everybody like Ike.

29 Earl Warren

His Supreme Court transformed American society and bequeathed to us the culture wars.

30 Elizabeth Cady Stanton

One of the first great American feminists, she fought for social reform and women’s right to vote.




乔叟 Chaucer

凯撒 Caesar

荷马 Homeros

柏拉图 Platon

亚里士多德 Aristoteles

培根 Bacon

莎士比亚 Shakespeare

萨克雷 Thackeray

狄更斯 Dickens

歌德 Goehte

卢梭 Loescher

巴尔扎克 Balzac

大仲马 Dumas

雨果 Hugo

乔治桑 George Sand

波德莱尔 Baudelaire

福楼拜 Flaubert

左拉 Zola

莫泊桑 Maupassant

海泽 Heysen

尼采 Nietz

伦茨 Lenz

哈谢克 Hasek

米沃什 Milosz

西默农 Simenon

艾略特 Eliot

王尔德 Wilder

奥威尔 Orwell

格雷厄姆 格林 Graham Greene

威尔逊 Wilson

默多克 Murdoch

艾米斯 Amis

梭罗 Thoreau

狄更生 Dickinson

马克·吐温 Mark Twain

欧·亨利 O'Henry

杰克·伦敦 Jack London

庞德 Pound

奥尼尔 O'Neill

福克纳 Faulkner

海明威 Hemingway

博尔赫斯 Borges

居里 Curie

毕加索 Picasso

文森特·凡·高 Vincent van Gogh

亚里士多德:Aristotle. 我只知道外国人的名字


法] Dumas pére大仲马

Socrates 苏格拉底

—— Hazlitt赫斯特

Herbert 赫伯特


Fuller 富勒

. Ruskin 鲁斯金

Howell 贺韦尔

Heywood 希伍德

Taverner 泰维纳

Davies 戴维斯

Benjamin Franklin富兰克林

Scott 斯科特

Ray 雷

Smedley 斯密莱

Thackeray 萨克雷

M. Moore 穆尔

R. W. Emerson 爱默生

Julius Caesar 凯撒

Jules Verne 凡尔纳

Julius Erving欧文

H. D. Thoreau梭罗

Charles Chaplin卓别林

Ho Chi Minh胡志明

. Jefferson 杰弗逊(美国第3任总统)

S. Aleichen 阿雷钦

William Osler 奥斯勒

Thomas Alva Edison 爱迪生

A. D. Stoddart 斯道达特

乔叟 Chaucer

凯撒 Caesar

荷马 Homeros

柏拉图 Platon

亚里士多德 Aristoteles

培根 Bacon

莎士比亚 Shakespeare

萨克雷 Thackeray

狄更斯 Dickens

歌德 Goehte

卢梭 Loescher

巴尔扎克 Balzac

大仲马 Dumas

雨果 Hugo

乔治桑 George Sand

波德莱尔 Baudelaire

福楼拜 Flaubert

左拉 Zola

莫泊桑 Maupassant

海泽 Heysen

尼采 Nietz

伦茨 Lenz

哈谢克 Hasek

米沃什 Milosz

西默农 Simenon

艾略特 Eliot

王尔德 Wilder

奥威尔 Orwell

格雷厄姆 格林 Graham Greene

威尔逊 Wilson

默多克 Murdoch

艾米斯 Amis

梭罗 Thoreau

狄更生 Dickinson

马克·吐温 Mark Twain

欧·亨利 O'Henry

杰克·伦敦 Jack London

庞德 Pound

奥尼尔 O'Neill

福克纳 Faulkner

海明威 Hemingway

博尔赫斯 Borges

居里 Curie

毕加索 Picasso

文森特·凡·高 Vincent van Gogh


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