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莱昂哈德·欧拉Leonhard Euler 1707年4月5日~1783年9月18日 是瑞士数学家和物理学家。他被称为历史上最伟大的两位数学家之一(另一位是卡尔·弗里德里克·高斯)。欧拉是第一个使用“函数”一词来描述包含各种参数的表达式的人,例如:y = F(x) (函数的定义由莱布尼兹在1694年给出)。他是把微积分应用于物理学的先驱者之一。"欧拉进行计算看起来毫不费劲儿,就像人进行呼吸,像鹰在风中盘旋一样°(阿拉戈语),这封伦纳德.欧拉(1707--1783)无与伦比的数学才能来说并不夸张,他是历史上最多产的数学家。与他同时代的人们称他为"分析的化身"。欧拉撰写长篇学术论文就像一个文思敏捷的作家给亲密的朋友写一封信那样容易。甚至在他生命最后17年间的完全失明也未能阻止他的无比多产,如果说视力的丧失有什么影响的话,那倒是提高了他在内心世界进行思维的想像力。�0�2


























欧拉1707年出生在瑞士的巴塞尔(Basel)城,13岁就进巴塞尔大学读书,得到当时最有名的数学家约翰·伯努利(Johann Bernoulli,1667-1748年)的精心指导.




欧拉的父亲保罗·欧拉(Paul Euler)也是一个数学家,原希望小欧拉学神学,同时教他一点教学.由于小欧拉的才人和异常勤奋的精神,又受到约翰·伯努利的赏识和特殊指导,当他在19岁时写了一篇关于船桅的论文,获得巴黎科学院的奖的奖金后,他的父亲就不再反对他攻读数学了.




欧拉的风格是很高的,拉格朗日是稍后于欧拉的大数学家,从19岁起和欧拉通信,讨论等周问题的一般解法,这引起变分法的诞生.等周问题是欧拉多年来苦心考虑的问题,拉格朗日的解法,博得欧拉的热烈赞扬,1759年10月2日欧拉在回信中盛称拉格朗日的成就,并谦虚地压下自己在这方面较不成熟的作品暂不发表,使年青的拉格朗日的工作得以发表和流传,并赢得巨大的声誉.他晚年的时候,欧洲所有的数学家都把他当作老师,著名数学家拉普拉斯(Laplace)曾说过:"欧拉是我们的导师." 欧拉充沛的精力保持到最后一刻,1783年9月18日下午,欧拉为了庆祝他计算气球上升定律的成功,请朋友们吃饭,那时天王星刚发现不久,欧拉写出了计算天王星轨道的要领,还和他的孙子逗笑,喝完茶后,突然疾病发作,烟斗从手中落下,口里喃喃地说:"我死了",欧拉终于"停止了生命和计算".

欧拉的一生,是为数学发展而奋斗的一生,他那杰出的智慧,顽强的毅力,孜孜不倦的奋斗精神和高尚的科学道德,永远是值得我们学习的.欧拉在数学上的建树很多,对著名的哥尼斯堡七桥问题的解答开创了图论的研究。欧拉还发现 ,不论什么形状的凸多面体,其顶点数v、棱数e、面数f之间总有v-e+f=2这个关系。v-e+f被称为欧拉示性数,成为拓扑学的基础概念。在数论中,欧拉首先引进了重要的欧拉函数φ(n),用多种方法证明了费马小定理。以欧拉的名字命名的数学公式、定理等在数学书籍中随处可见, 与此同时,他还在物理、天文、建筑以至音乐、哲学方面取得了辉煌的成就。〔欧拉还创设了许多数学符号,例如π(1736年),i(1777年),e(1748年),sin和cos(1748年),tg(1753年),△x(1755年),∑(1755年),f(x)(1734年)等.

Leonhard Euler (pronounced Oiler; IPA [ˈɔʏlɐ]) (April 15, 1707 – September 18 [O.S. September 7] 1783) was a pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist, who spent most of his life in Russia and Germany. He published more papers than any other mathematician in history.[1]

Euler made important discoveries in fields as diverse as calculus and topology. He also introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, such as the notion of a mathematical function.[2] He is also renowned for his work in mechanics, optics, and astronomy.

Euler is considered to be the preeminent mathematician of the 18th century and one of the greatest of all time. He is also one of the most prolific; his collected works fill 60–80 quarto volumes.[3] A statement attributed to Pierre-Simon Laplace expresses Euler's influence on mathematics: "Read Euler, read Euler, he is a master for us all".[4]

Euler was featured on the sixth series of the Swiss 10-franc banknote[5] and on numerous Swiss, German, and Russian postage stamps. The asteroid 2002 Euler was named in his honor. He is also commemorated by the Lutheran Church on their Calendar of Saints on May 24.

Contents [hide]

1 Biography

1.1 Childhood

1.2 St. Petersburg

1.3 Berlin

1.4 Eyesight deterioration

1.5 Last stage of life

2 Contributions to mathematics

2.1 Mathematical notation

2.2 Analysis

2.3 Number theory

2.4 Graph theory

2.5 Applied mathematics

2.6 Physics and astronomy

2.7 Logic

3 Philosophy and religious beliefs

4 Selected bibliography

5 See also

6 Notes

7 Further reading

8 External links

[edit] Biography

[edit] Childhood

Swiss 10 Franc banknote honoring Euler, the most successful Swiss mathematician in history.Euler was born in Basel to Paul Euler, a pastor of the Reformed Church, and Marguerite Brucker, a pastor's daughter. He had two younger sisters named Anna Maria and Maria Magdalena. Soon after the birth of Leonhard, the Eulers moved from Basel to the town of Riehen, where Euler spent most of his childhood. Paul Euler was a family friend of the Bernoullis, and Johann Bernoulli, who was then regarded as Europe's foremost mathematician, would eventually be an important influence on the young Leonhard. His early formal education started in Basel, where he was sent to live with his maternal grandmother. At the age of thirteen he matriculated at the University of Basel, and in 1723, received a masters of philosophy degree with a dissertation that compared the philosophies of Descartes and Newton. At this time, he was receiving Saturday afternoon lessons from Johann Bernoulli, who quickly discovered his new pupil's incredible talent for mathematics.[6]

Euler was at this point studying theology, Greek, and Hebrew at his father's urging, in order to become a pastor. Johann Bernoulli intervened, and convinced Paul Euler that Leonhard was destined to become a great mathematician. In 1726, Euler completed his Ph.D. dissertation on the propagation of sound with the title De Sono[7] and in 1727, he entered the Paris Academy Prize Problem competition, where the problem that year was to find the best way to place the masts on a ship. He won second place, losing only to Pierre Bouguer—a man now known as "the father of naval architecture". Euler, however, would eventually win the coveted annual prize twelve times in his career.[8]

[edit] St. Petersburg

Around this time Johann Bernoulli's two sons, Daniel and Nicolas, were working at the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg. In July 1726, Nicolas died of appendicitis after spending a year in Russia, and when Daniel assumed his brother's position in the mathematics/physics division, he recommended that the post in physiology that he had vacated be filled by his friend Euler. In November 1726 Euler eagerly accepted the offer, but delayed making the trip to St Petersburg. In the interim he unsuccessfully applied for a physics professorship at the University of Basel.[9]

1957 stamp of the former Soviet Union commemorating the 250th birthday of Euler. The text says: 250 years from the birth of the great mathematician and academician, Leonhard Euler.Euler arrived in the Russian capital on May 17, 1727. He was promoted from his junior post in the medical department of the academy to a position in the mathematics department. He lodged with Daniel Bernoulli with whom he often worked in close collaboration. Euler mastered Russian and settled into life in St Petersburg. He also took on an additional job as a medic in the Russian Navy.[10]

The Academy at St. Petersburg, established by Peter the Great, was intended to improve education in Russia and to close the scientific gap with Western Europe. As a result, it was made especially attractive to foreign scholars like Euler: the academy possessed ample financial resources and a comprehensive library drawn from the private libraries of Peter himself and of the nobility. Very few students were enrolled in the academy so as to lessen the faculty's teaching burden, and the academy emphasized research and offered to its faculty both the time and the freedom to pursue scientific questions.[8]

However, the Academy's benefactress, Catherine I, who had attempted to continue the progressive policies of her late husband, died the day of Euler's arrival. The Russian nobility then gained power upon the ascension of the twelve-year-old Peter II. The nobility were suspicious of the academy's foreign scientists, and thus cut funding and caused numerous other difficulties for Euler and his colleagues.

Conditions improved slightly upon the death of Peter II, and Euler swiftly rose through the ranks in the academy and was made professor of physics in 1731. Two years later, Daniel Bernoulli, who was fed up with the censorship and hostility he faced at St. Petersburg, left for Basel. Euler succeeded him as the head of the mathematics department.[11]

On January 7, 1734, he married Katharina Gsell, daughter of a painter from the Academy Gymnasium. The young couple bought a house by the Neva River, and had thirteen children, of whom only five survived childhood.[12]

[edit] Berlin

Stamp of the former German Democratic Republic honoring Euler on the 200th anniversary of his death. In the middle, it is showing his polyhedral formula.Concerned about continuing turmoil in Russia, Euler debated whether to stay in St. Petersburg or not. Frederick the Great of Prussia offered him a post at the Berlin Academy, which he accepted. He left St.

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